We pride ourselves in providing the highest possible standard of childcare and education through promoting the 5 Outcomes set by OFSTED.
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"They provide an extensive programme of professional development and support that enables staff to continually provide the best teaching and learning experiences for children."
"Children's behaviour in nursery is impeccable. Staff are excellent role models, demonstrating polite, patient and friendly behaviour. They support children to develop superb social skills. For example, staff teach children how to play cooperatively together and to share resources, using sand timers to aid their understanding and conflict resolution."
"Highly effective systems for monitoring the progress of children mean staff swiftly identify any emerging gaps in learning and quickly implement programmes of support."
"Monitoring extends to different groups of children as well as the educational programme. This provides a tremendously detailed and informative account of how and where children are making progress."
"Staff form exemplary relationships with parents, involving them in every aspect of theirs child's learning. For example, parents are invited to parent week to discuss with staff theirs child's progress and see the nursery day in action."
"Parent's comments are overwhelmingly positive. They are fully involved in their child's learning and appreciate the care and support they receive."
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