We pride ourselves in providing the highest possible standard of childcare and education through promoting the 5 Outcomes set by OFSTED.
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"Children's emotional well being is successfully promoted by the warm and caring staff team. Positive engagement with parents means children's personal needs are known. This means children are very well supported, secure and settled at nursery."
"Comprehensive observation and planning procedures are in place which identify children's next steps in learning as they move towards the early learning goals. Well organised tracking systems show children are progressing well."
"Teaching is good as staff use available opportunities during play to extend children's knowledge and skills. This means children make good progress."
"Managers and staff have a good understanding of safeguarding and health and safety procedures. This helps to ensure that children remain safe and secure at all times."
"There are rigorous processes in place for self evaluation which includes the views of parents. As a result, the setting is continuously improving."
"Children who attend the setting are supported to gain the skills they need to be effective learners which ensures they are ready for school."
"Staff at the setting are caring and warm which ensures children form strong attachments and promotes their emotional well being. Children settle into nursery quickly because there is an effective key person system in place. Staff use a range of strategies to support children through transitions and, therefore, they are emotionally prepared for their move within the setting and into school."
"The environment is welcoming and stimulating, providing a wide range of resources on low level storage which children can access for themselves, therefore, their independence is promoted and they are becoming active learners."
"Staff support children's understanding of diversity by planning a range of activities to teach them about different cultures and staff use resources promoting images of people from different backgrounds."
"The provider and the manager both were able to provide a good understanding of their responsibility to ensure the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage are fully met."
"Secure systems are in place to monitor planning and assessment to ensure staff are fully aware of children's progress."
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